Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Session 1 (2012)

I'm teaming up with Thea again this year to play Sunday Session with her. To play along all you have to do is click either of the links in this blog or click the Sunday Session button that's on the left of the screen link your blog with your songs you love to her blog & your done.

Now to sort of take Thea's lead and post two songs that I loved hearing through out 2011 (and always do love hearing) there were many but I'll stay with two as I know that a lot more people will be linking up and may have the same songs if I list all the ones I loved hearing.

The first song is by Kate Perry & was a number 1 hit for her.

The next one is two lovely singers singing a song together and while watching the movie Red Dog a few days ago I fell in love with it all over again.

Can't wait to hear your songs


  1. Hey, we both picked Katy Perry, excellent!
    I haven't seen Red Dog yet.
    Stumbing In a great plast from the past.

    Thanks for linking. :)

  2. I love Katy Perry, and the kids and I all loved Red Dog, one for the whole family. xo
