Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday Session 37

My what a long time for me has passed between I done some Sunday Sessions with the sweet Thea I'm hoping to not let as much time pass in between Sunday Sessions again as I love it as I'm sure you will. The idea behind Sunday Session is you grab a song (or 2 or more) usually Thea posts an oldie and a newbie (but I love more the oldie songs then newies so hence why I post more newbies). You then link you songs up on your blog to Thea's blog by pressing the Sunday Session button to the right of the screen.

As some of you know about 4 to 5 days ago I had to attend the Funeral of a dear Uncle called Uncle Wally ( or Walter as his real name was) I wish I'd knew him a lot longer then I did as I only learnt at the Funeral of his passion for Buddy Holly songs I also love Buddy Holly and his songs.

This week for Sunday Session I'm going to play the two Buddy Holly songs that was played at Wallys Funeral


  1. Love Buddy Holly ;)

  2. Amazing how songs can remind us of loved ones and times gone by. Thanks for sharing. xo
